2021 Jan 01 03:00:00 UTC Number of Detected Coronal Holes :02 (based on SDO AIA 193 Angstrom Image) CH 01 Area (thousandth of solar disk) :007 V001 S17.26 E12.04 V002 S14.09 E13.65 V003 S 9.63 E11.45 V004 S 6.67 E10.71 V005 S 7.75 E 8.10 V006 S 7.07 E 5.96 V007 S10.40 E 5.69 V008 S13.80 E 5.84 V009 S15.52 E 8.96 CH 02 Area (thousandth of solar disk) :005 V001 N49.59 W 1.10 V002 N53.81 E 2.62 V003 N56.30 E 0.21 V004 N55.45 W12.68 V005 N54.21 W18.62 V006 N51.65 W20.35 V007 N49.96 W15.52 V008 N50.89 W11.19 V009 N50.70 W 6.21