2015 Sep 30 2100 UTC Sunspot Group Classification Results Number of Detected Sunspot Groups : 3 Group Index : 1 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.127660 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 2 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 1.93287 Z-Class : D [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 45.6141 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 0.73842413 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.125000 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 2 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.648649 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 c-Class :i McIntosh Class : Dsi [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 2 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.85652 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 6 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 8 Number of spots with penumbra : 3 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 17.8422 Z-Class : F [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 67.2405 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 5.2866373 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.0852273 p-Class : k [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 8 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.500779 Number of spots with penumbra : 3 c-Class :c McIntosh Class : Fkc [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma Group Index : 3 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.17313 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.68000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 9 Number of spots with penumbra : 3 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 8.40902 Z-Class : D [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 24.5697 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.7272978 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.149351 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 9 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.290669 Number of spots with penumbra : 3 c-Class :o McIntosh Class : Dso [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta