2023 Jan 20 1700 UTC Sunspot Group Classification Results Number of Detected Sunspot Groups : 12 Group Index : 1 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.352273 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.23529 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 2 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 2.73552 Z-Class : D [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 52.4357 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.9764955 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.119048 p-Class : a [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 2 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.738636 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 c-Class :i McIntosh Class : Dai [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta Group Index : 2 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.84848 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.11905 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : H [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 17.8676 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 4.1766392 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.204082 p-Class : h [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Hhx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 3 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.360000 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.74242 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 4 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 Z-Class : C [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 32.3956 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.0381872 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.0638298 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 4 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.242188 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 c-Class :o McIntosh Class : Cso [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta Group Index : 4 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.822014 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 1 Roughness of the longest magnetic neutral line : 2.44444 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 8.31958 Z-Class : D [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 22.8850 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.6258877 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.124031 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.375000 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 c-Class :o McIntosh Class : Dso [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma Group Index : 5 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 4.75109 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 2 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 12 Number of spots with penumbra : 5 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 9.52395 Z-Class : D [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 49.2046 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.9305007 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.117241 p-Class : a [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 12 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.175314 Number of spots with penumbra : 5 c-Class :o McIntosh Class : Dao [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma Group Index : 6 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.42748 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 2 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 6 Number of spots with penumbra : 4 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 12.4167 Z-Class : E [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 18.4062 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 4.2292559 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.221078 p-Class : h [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 6 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.500367 Number of spots with penumbra : 4 c-Class :c McIntosh Class : Ehc [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma Group Index : 7 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.00000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : A [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Axx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 8 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 100.000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : A [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Axx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 9 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.20769 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.44737 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : B [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.424242 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 c-Class :i McIntosh Class : Bxi [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta Group Index : 10 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.454545 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.17778 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 2 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : C [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 23.0010 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.8503219 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.101852 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 2 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.590164 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 c-Class :i McIntosh Class : Csi [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta Group Index : 11 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.00000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : H [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 72.3716 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 0.41542010 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.100000 p-Class : a [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Hax [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 12 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.576687 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 2 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : B [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.234568 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 c-Class :o McIntosh Class : Bxo [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma