2023 Jun 27 1700 UTC Sunspot Group Classification Results Number of Detected Sunspot Groups : 9 Group Index : 1 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.438776 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.16667 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : H [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 42.8801 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.4056711 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.135135 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Hsx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 2 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.26744 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 2 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 6 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 Z-Class : C [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 54.8603 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 2.5248436 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.00000 p-Class : k [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 6 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.434426 Number of spots with penumbra : 2 c-Class :i McIntosh Class : Cki [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma Group Index : 3 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.00000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : A [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Axx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 4 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 100.000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : H [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 48.3019 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 0.37173054 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.300000 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Hsx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 5 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.0691244 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : H [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 46.2736 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.1750309 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.175439 p-Class : s [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Hsx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 6 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.16038 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 2.00000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : B [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 3 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.265625 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 c-Class :o McIntosh Class : Bxo [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta Group Index : 7 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 100.000 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 0 Z-Class : A [ p-Class Determination ] p-Class : x [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Axx [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha Group Index : 8 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 1.75899 More than one magnetic neutral line is found Number of Significant Neutral Lines : 1 Roughness of the longest magnetic neutral line : 2.47368 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 8 Number of spots with penumbra : 4 Longitudinal extent of this spot group (deg) : 10.2958 Z-Class : E [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 33.0666 (criterion : 25) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 3.6511454 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.136784 p-Class : k [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 8 Area ratio (spots/group) : 0.581988 Number of spots with penumbra : 4 c-Class :c McIntosh Class : Ekc [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Beta-Gamma Group Index : 9 Ratio of magnetic polarity (+/-) : 0.737705 Only one magnetic neutral line is found Roughness of the only magnetic neutral line : 1.27273 [ Z-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 Number of spots with penumbra : 1 Z-Class : H [ p-Class Determination ] Asymmetry factor of penumbral shape : 51.0774 (criterion : 50) N-S diameter of largest penumbra (deg) : 1.6488817 (criterion : 2.5 deg) Ratio of umbral area to spot area : 0.0571429 p-Class : a [ c-Class Determination ] Number of spots : 1 c-Class :x McIntosh Class : Hax [ Magnetic Class Determination ] Magnetic Class : Alpha