The event list of solar flares that impacted Mars as measured by the Extreme UltraViolet Monitor (EUVM) onboard NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution mission (MAVEN; These events and timings are measured by the EUVM Diode-A, which has contributions are the soft X-rays (0-7nm) and EUV (17-22nm) wavelengths. For flare equivalent classes of Class C5 and larger, this Diode A band is dominated by the soft X-ray component and correlates well with the NOAA GOES XRS-B channel (0.1-0.8 nm). Prior to Dec 2018, the third channel, Diode-B, was available but failed on this date so is no longer available. Diode-B is a pure 0-7nm soft X-ray channel and is used for the flare identification when available. There is one file per year, where the recent year file is appended every hour for any flares that have occurred since the last downlink. This file includes one row for each flare identified. The columns are stated in the header of the file, but consist, from left to right, of the date, start time, peak time, and end time, as well as the NOAA/GOES equivalent flare class. MAVEN is not an operational satellite, and does not have constant, or even regular, contacts. EUVM data downlink is dependent on DSN availability and contact schedule, so there may be a delay of hours or days between contacts. Data Usage: These data are quick look data and should not be used for analysis or publication. Please use the official MAVEN/EUVM data products located at the Planetary Data System (PDS) here: EUVM: Eparvier et al., Sp. Sci. Rev., 195, 2015, doi:10.1007/s11214-015-0195-2. MAVEN: Jakosky et al., Sp. Sci. Rev., 195, 2015, doi:10.1007/s11214-015-0139-x.